First SAT/PSAT Session (7/23) :
-What is SAT/PSAT?
-How many questions are there in each section?
- How much time do you have to answer each question?
-Connecting to Khan Academy and College Board accounts
-Download SAT Black Book for free
-Magoosh ACT Flashcards app (helps with SAT/PSAT/ACT)
-Kaplan question of the day
-PSAT practice Questions on Khan Academy
First ACT session (7/24):
-What is the ACT exam?
-How many questions are in each section?
-How much time should you use for each question?
-Get Magoosh ACTFlashcards app (if a student already has not)
-Kaplan question of the day
-Starting some ACT practice!
-Download Black Book
Second SAT/PSAT session (7/30):
-Go over a few pages of the SAT Black Book
-Some math test sections
-Some English test sections
Second ACT session (7/31):
-Practice and walkthroughs of questions from the math, science, and English sections
Third SAT/PSAT session (8/6):
-Go over a few pages of the SAT Black Book
-Some math test sections
-Some English test sections
Third ACT session (8/7):
-Practice and walkthroughs of questions from the math, science, and English sections